Due to a forecast that sounds like a kinder, gentler version of the Apocalypse in the Midwest this week, both stores and publisher have agreed that it would be best to reschedule some events, as we want to not only see people in attendance, but to see them travel safely! Please note the following changes:
Bloomington, Indiana, Tuesday, Feb. 1, Barnes & Noble. This event has been moved to Saturday, February 5, at 1 p.m. Hope to see you on a sunny Saturday instead. If you brave the elements on Tuesday (please don't) then leave your name and desired inscription with the great staff at this store and I'll sign the book on Saturday.
Indianapolis, Indiana, Wednesday, Feb. 2, Big Hat Books. This event has been moved to Saturday, February 5, at 6 p.m.
Also, a reminder that the Saturday signing in Ann Arbor has been cancelled. We are in the process of finding a replacement date, and I apologize.
As of now, Cleveland's signing at Barnes & Noble Crocker Park remains scheduled, pending weather developments.
Thanks to you all for your patience, and travel safe. And remember -- if the roads are a pain, most of your favorite bookstores will ship right to your door! Nothing better on a snowy night than reading an eerie thriller by candlelight. Keep it in mind. This one is event set in Florida -- will warm your ice-covered home with tropical breezes, I promise.
Some nice mentions of the book over the last week:
Entertainment Weekly keeps me at a perfect 3.0 grade average in my history with them: "The Cypress House picks up steam, building to a seriously tense and twisted final act. With its evocative Gulf Coast setting, the book makes for a warm beach read in midwinter." B
The New York Times Book Review's Marilyn Stasio includes THE CYPRESS HOUSE in her crime fiction roundup, and remarks on “Koryta’s knack for putting a supernatural spin on the angst depicted in classic noir fiction.”
The Columbus Dispatch: “(Koryta) paces the novel masterfully, allowing it to steam for a while, simmer as threads from the past are added to the mix, then come to a rolling boil for the last 100 pages. When violence enters the picture, and it often does, Koryta lets the horror speak for itself rather than exploiting it. His knowledge of the Gulf Coast landscape helps with the novel's credibility but never intrudes on the action…..Koryta is quickly taking his place among the top American writers of supernatural suspense.”