We judged this week based on heart and passion. And, yes, a vague sense of fear. Either way, we want to make this guy happy. So the winning caption is:
"If I don't get a signed copy of THE RIDGE for at least one of
my caption contributions I'm gonna F#$&&$# eat somebody."
Alan P. from...from a place we hope has really good police.
With Alan satisfied and my chance to sleep at night restored, let's move on to the new week's photo. I took this one while watching the rescue of three tigers who will now live out the rest of their days at the EFRC. This big guy is named Cash. At this point in the day he'd already traveled a couple hundred miles and wasn't particularly interested in going the 100 yards left to get him to his much-nicer new home.
Send your entries to cypresshousevp@gmail.com